March 2020 Newsblog
Who in WHO named the coronavirus? Why not the COORSvirus or BUDvirus? Or COVINAvirus? Poor Corona (beer or location), forevermore will their name be linked …
Who in WHO named the coronavirus? Why not the COORSvirus or BUDvirus? Or COVINAvirus? Poor Corona (beer or location), forevermore will their name be linked …
Happy Chinese New Year! Year of the Rat January 25, 2020 through February 11, 2021 The ups and downs of being a Chinese “Rat” – …
HAPPY 2020! And how is your vision doing? Is this the year? Is this the year in which the dream of homeownership becomes a reality? …
“Ho! Ho! ‘Tis the Season.” What gifts are you looking for under your tree? WHAT ARE FRIENDS AND FAMILY FOR? In this season of Thanksgiving, …
THE ART OF SLOW STRANGULATION All the news about the college admissions scandals has highlighted the ongoing parental concerns regarding their children getting into their …
September/October are always fun months and it’s not because school started (Boo!) and Halloween treats are overwhelming the little kids (Double Boo!) September is the …
It’s early September and the mad rush of buying and closing so that kids are enrolled properly has dissipated. If you were not in a …
OH, THOSE HAZARDS OF THE ESCROW DESK! A rather odd story to share. 15 years earlier… A Buyer entered into an escrow to buy a …
Half a year gone, half a year to go! As this year’s president of the California Escrow Association, one of my goals is to visit …
YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, WE HAVE ANSWERS! VIVA ESCROW Q & A SEGMENT Sometimes I get asked questions that inspire me to think before I respond. …